Human-AI Interaction Design Lab

Welcome to the Human-AI Interaction Design (HAI Design) Lab!

The Human-AI Interaction Design Lab led by Dr. Ting Liao conducts interdisciplinary research that encompasses human-centered design, experimental psychology, and data mining. The research aims to enable interactive products and product-based experiences that are governed by artificial intelligence and large masses of product usage data to be more trustworthy, socially desirable, and sustainable with data-driven methods.

Lab Location:  North Building SAIC-B RM 215

 Want to take part in our research? 🎁Gift cards are waiting for you! 

Lab News

Achievements at ASME IDETC-CIE 2024 Conference[Conference Link]

Jiacheng and Dr. Liao's paper, "MazeMind: Exploring the Effects of Hand Gestures and Eye Gazing on Cognitive Load and Task Efficiency in an Augmented Reality Environment," has been accepted for presentation at the Design Computing and Cognition'24 conference. [Conference Link]

Congratulations! Ruijing's paper, "Identifying and Evaluating the Effects of User Scenarios on the Data Integrity of Wearable Devices," has been published at the CSER 2023. [Springer link]

Dr. Liao will speak about Trends in Human-AI Teaming for Engineering and Design at the ASME workshop on August 14, 2022 1-5 p.m. St. Louis, Missouri. [Workshop Poster]